Show 1 - Wednesday 15th November 2017 - 19:00-20:30 hrs.
Show 2 - Thursday 16th November 2017 - 19:00-20:30 hrs.
Show 3 - Friday 17th November 2017 - 19:00-20:30 hrs.
Level 1
Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
Ticket price:
450 BAHT
About the show:
Nobody needs the #REPETITIVEPATTERNS of our everyday lives. Nor the #SELFDECEPTION or our #SHITTYDIGITAL :-) profiles! we give a fuck about #ETHICALSELFCONCROL and #HIPSTER-NARCISSISTS! We are not free, we are #GENERATION! ROFL! #HASHTAG
PENG!PALAST deals with the alleged freedom and self-determination of generation Y in a critical way.
Woke up and had that #rageintheguts. Who is in? #straightintheface! #PENGPENG! Nobody needs the #backbreakingroutines and #repetitivepatterns of our everyday lives. Nor the #selfdeception or our #shittydigital:-) profiles! We give a fuck about #ethicalselfcontrol and #hipster-narcissists! We are not free, we are #generationY! ROFL! #hashtag
In their latest production PENG! Palast is dealing with the alleged freedom and self-determination of generation Y in a critical way. The substructure for this project was built from the actors own biographies, daily routines and experiences in badly paid side jobs, smelly and stuffy kick boxing basements and cosy support groups.
Inspired by the novel “Fight Club” by author Chuck Palahniuk, PENG! Palast is creating its own fighting arena to live out its suppressed desires only to get knocked out by its own utopias. Only those who are willing to risk defeat have the ability to win. Will YOU be accepted? #membersonly!?
About the artist:
Nina Mariel Kohler, Christoph Keller, Dennis Schwabenland
Artistic Director
Christoph Keller, Dennis Schwabenland
Raphael Urweider
Mathias Bremgartner
Oeil Exterieur
Maike Lex
Myriam de Wurstemberger
Assistant Director
Rebekka Bangerter
Sound Design
Joachim Budweiser
Light Design
Tonio Finkam, Maria Liechti (only Tour Asia Autumn 2017)
Benjamin Spinnler (sparring and physical training), Matthias Amann (lawyer) Production Manager, Tour Manager Roland Amrein, Dennis Schwabenland (only Tour Asia Autumn 2017) Accounting Verena Ledergerber, Dominik Huber
«FIGHT! Palast #membersonly» is co-produced by:
Schlachthaus Theatre Bern / LOFFT – DAS THEATER, D-Leipzig / ROXY, Birsfelden-Basel
Artist homepage: