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Writer's pictureLadda Kongdach


Poster Presentation

Expand your network in a friendly atmosphere while immersing yourself in some Bangkokian experiences.

We will host you throughout the morning. A local artist, your host of the day, may invite you to join various activities such as 'Khon Dance' exercises, congee party with musical people, morning yoga with a dance company, coffee talk with drama lecturer, and many more. (Pre-registeration and additional fee required.)


Coffee Talk#1

BIPAM’s Dream: Open Platform for Southeast Asia’s Artists

With BIPAM Team

Meet BIPAM team who were insane enough to kickstart the event and build the platform from scratch with zero support from the government. Let’s share what we can achieve if Southeast Asian performing arts community can really link up and connect to the world.

Capacity: 6 guests

Coffee Talk#2

Building Up New Audience

With Pradit Prasartthong

Pradit Prasartthong is the president and founder of Bangkok Theatre Network, who has been working cross-disciplinary between traditional Thai dance and Western modern theatre. His recent productions includes Thai ‘vintage’ musical featuring Thai folk singing techniques and country music.

Capacity: 4 guests

B-floor Style Movement Workshop

With B-Floor Theatre

B-Floor is Thailand's vanguard physical theatre company. Its performances are developed through a process of creative collaboration known as Devised Theatre. B-Floor's plays often involve little or no script, focusing instead on highly visual and sensory storytelling that can communicate across borders of language and culture.

Capacity: 10 guests



Coffee Talk #3

Sharing Thai Script

With Collective Thai Scripts

Collective Thai Scripts is a group of people who want to collect Thai contemporary play scripts. It was started a few months ago and its members have tried to translate and publish four Thai plays in their first collection. They’d like to share what they are up to until now and welcome your suggestion for their first publishing.

Capacity: 15 guests

Folk/traditional Thai Theatre’s Actor Preparation Exercise

With Pradit Prasartthong

Pradit Prasartthong is the president and founder of Bangkok Theatre Network, who has been working cross-disciplinary between traditional Thai dance and Western modern theatre. His recent productions includes Thai ‘vintage’ musical featuring Thai folk singing techniques and country music.

Capacity: 4 guests

Intro to Dance Therapy

With Dujdao Vadhanapakorn

Dujdao Vadhanapakorn is Thailand’s first and only dance and movement psychotherapist. She delivers treatments to participants using dance as a tool to improve or unlock their cognitive skills. She is a member of B-floor theatre, the pioneer of Thailand’s physical theatre.

Capacity: 10 guests

Look-toong: Thai country music sing-off!

With Sukanya Sompaiboon

Sukanya Sompaiboon is an actress, researcher, lecturer, and director who devotes her life to Thai folk entertainment. She has created Look-Toong performances so intriguing and fascinating that she has dug out tons of performing art researches out of it. Let’s sing aloud and dance fiercely with the queen of the fair!

Capacity: 10 guests

Actor’s Club: Share Your Craft

With Parnrut Kritchanchai and friends (New Theatre Society)

Let’s talk acting! Thailand embraces many schools of Western acting practices and we also develop our own way too. New Theatre Society is one of the most active theatre companies in town with numerous productions produced yearly. Parnrut Kritchanchai, an actress who also teaches acting in a university, and her actor and actress friends would like to share the experiences on stage with you.

Capacity: 10 guests



Coffee Talk #4

Bangkok Wants to Share: Connecting Festivals Across Asia

With Bangkok Theatre Festival Organising team

If you are a festival organising team from anywhere in the world, please join us in a casual talk on how we can connect with each other. Because it’s always better together.

Capacity: 10 guests

Traditional Thai Puppet Theatre

With Baan Tookkatoon

Baan Tookkatoon produces numerous traditional Thai puppet shows for decades. this meeting will explore their practice and share the idea of preservation and evolution of the craft. You should have some background in puppeteering in order to make the most from this 2-hour sharing moment.

Capacity: Unlimited

Easy Mime by BABYMIME

With Babymime

Babymime is the most popular pantomime company in Thailand. Their fans love their beautiful heartwarming stories presented with love and care of the craft.

Capacity: 10 guests

Coffee Talk #5

Theatre Critique in Thailand

With International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) - Thailand Centre

Thailand performing arts critic club is a member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC), a network which connects 80+ countries together. it’s a good time to get to know Thailand’s theatre and dance critics who are lecturers, scholars, journalists, and artists.

Capacity: 4 guests



Actor’s Club: Share Your Craft

With Parnrut Kritchanchai and friends (New Theatre Society)

Let’s talk acting! Thailand embraces many schools of Western acting practices and we also develop our own way too. New Theatre Society is one of the most active theatre companies in town with numerous productions produced yearly. Parnrut Kritchanchai, an actress who also teaches acting in a university, and her actor and actress friends would like to share the experiences on stage with you.

Capacity: 10 guests

Coffee Talk #6

Wake Up Call for BIPAM Team: How Can We Really Make It Happen

With BIPAM team

On the last day of BIPAM2017, we would like to hear from you how we can make it better for you and everyone in the community. Our dream is sweet but we need a decent wake up call to make sure we can make it a reality. It’s an in-depth feedback talk before we get together in the afternoon for the feedback meeting.

Capacity: Unlimited

Any inquiries, please contact

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